
Guru Poornima

18th – 21st July 2024

During Guru Poornima the effort is made to connect with the guru tattwa or element. On this day worship, reverence, respect and devotion is offered to the guru parampara, the tradition of illumined masters who have guided humanity selflessly through the ages.

The spiritual effulgence of inspirers and luminaries paramguru Sri Swami Sivananda and Sri Swami Satyananda shines forth in every aspect of their lives. Through remembrance and invocation one can connect with this spiritual energy, the guru tattwa or the energy field of guru. On Guru Poornima inspiration of the tradition, Sri Swami Sivananda and Sri Swami Satyananda dawns and new efforts are made towards positive transformation in daily life.

The application form for attending the event can be downloaded here. For further information contact Sannyasa Peeth. For a reply please enclose a self-addressed,
stamped envelope.
